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首頁 > 技術中心 > 管線式高剪切工作過程


 更新時間:2017-07-24 點擊量:1637


2、強勁的離心力將物料從徑向甩入定、轉子之間狹窄精密的空隙中。同時受到離心擠壓、撞擊等作用力,使物料初步 分散乳化。

3、在高速旋轉的轉子外端產生至少15m/s以上的線速度,zui高可至40m/s,并形成強烈的機械及液力剪切、液層摩擦、 撞擊撕裂,是物料充分的分散、乳化、均質、破碎、同時通過從徑向噴射出來。經過一次處理或循環處理后zui終完成 分散、乳化、均質過程。

4、或者在第二組轉子離心力的作用下,進入第二個定、轉子工作區;再一次經過定、轉子多層、密集、均勻剪切作用 后,從徑向噴射出來,在第三組轉子離心力的作用下,進入第三組定、轉子工作區,完成分散、乳化、均質等工藝工 程。經過三組定、轉子一次處理后,是物料在zui短時間內得到均勻地處理,zui終完成分散、乳化、均質過程。



1,the centrifugal force generated by high-speed rotation of the rotor, while the figure of the material into the working chamber from the upper feed from the axial region of the working head

2,the strong centrifugal force the material thrown from the radial meditation, the narrow gap between the rotor precision. By both centrifugal extrusion, impact and other forces, so that the material preliminary dispersed emulsion.

3,at the outer end of the high-speed rotation of the rotor to generate at least 15m/s or more line 
speed up to 40m/s, and the formation of strong mechanical and hydraulic shear, hydraulic friction, impact tear, is sufficient dispersion material, emulsifying, homogenizing, crushing, through ejected from the radial direction. After the first treatment or recycling process to finalize dispersion, emulsification and homogenization process.

4,or under the action of the second set of rotor centrifugal force, into the second stator and rotor of
the work area; once through the stator and rotor multilayered, dense, uniform shearing action, the radially ejected, the third group under the effect of centrifugal force of the rotor into the third set of stator and rotor workspace, complete dispersion, emulsification, homogenization and other process engineering. After three groups given after the rotor once treatment is to obtain a homogeneous material in the shortest possible time to process, final completion of dispersion, emulsification and homogenization process.